
The Church: Christ's Body "Serving"

I want to continue my thoughts on the church with the subject of serving or maybe I should call it "sharing."  A lot of my thinking on the church Biblically has come from Acts 2:42-47.  Serving is big focus that I would like to see my church and youth ministry move into this coming year. 

To me the idea of serving is when people share what they have to give, but it is also when we share our lives with one another.  The early church in Acts knew how to serve and share with each another or anyone that had need.  "And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their property and possessions and were sharing them with all; as anyone might have need. (Acts 2:44-45)"

Meditating and looking over these verses I wondered if all those who "believe" today have this kind of attitude to share  with or serve anyone who has need?  I think it's safe to say the answer to that question is no, but why have we allowed church to turn into a place where a majority of the people take instead of give?  I believe too many for too long have come to church with the mindset that they are there to take and receive service from the church, but not give or share themselves with the rest of the body. 

I guess we have missed the unique paradox of serving, the idea being everyone in the body should share what they have to give but never expect anything  back in return.  For one to serve  others and expect something in return is not really holding the right attitude or perspective of serving in the first place.  Therefore, what could be holding people back from serving or sharing is the fact that it's to risky, because you might share all that you have but not receive anything in return. 

Now there are other cost's of sharing as my Senior Pastor pointed out this past Sunday in his message.  To serve others you must be willing to humble yourself before them.  Have the characteristics of  faith and hope that when we serve to those who cannot give anything back that we will be repaid by God, the risk factor I mention in the previous paragraph.  Also serving and sharing with others should be not be done to prove  how good or holy we are to others.  While of course the cost of serving could be too much for some because they are not willing to simply give up the time that it takes. 

I believe what I am trying to get at here is that what would the church or ministry look like if we all truly shared what we had and not expected anything in return?  If we all came to church with the attitude of giving instead of taking?  What great and amazing things could the church then accomplish that we are already not doing in our communities, the world?

If we claim to be to the rest of the world as Christ was, the one who came to serve rather than be served, we better create a new atmosphere of serving within our local church bodies.  Not to mention if we what to up hold the second greatest commandment.

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