
SHH Listen...

I believe listening is a skill, some people have it, others refuse to do it, and some people do not even know where to start when it comes to using their ears. Often I find myself having the same conversation with people, retelling the same details that I did once, twice, or even three times before.

When I find myself in this situation I begin to wonder does this person really care of what I have to say am I just wasting my time. These people are so caught up in everything about their world, their life, their needs that they couldn't possibly remember anything that you recently told them. It's not that they intend to be rude to you or even selfish, but for some reason they just cannot listen, its just all about them.

I find that these people are also afraid of silence and or find it very hard to sit still, mainly because they must constantly being trying to fill some need in their own life. I just want to tell them Stop! Take a deep breath, don't move, don't speak, just listen. We all have times of only thinking about our self or maybe not listening the best we can, I am not trying to point any fingers here because I am guitly as well.

My point in all this is simply this, we all need to be aware of how God is moving and what he is speaking. Luckily when we speak God always listens and think we owe it to him to listen when its his turn. Through prayer we should sit in God's presence meaning you are with God and he is with you. Our prayer needs to be a conversation a process of both talking to him and then listening. It's very easy to talk but it takes a lot to humble yourself and listen. I believe that God can speak in miraculous signs or wonders but that he speaks even more to us through gentle whispers. It is a challenge to listen but it's one that we need to overcome.

Stop! Take a deep breath, don't move, don't speak, just listen.... What happens after the dot dot dot may change your life!


Anonymous said...

I love that quote from Fight Club:

"People don't listen--they just wait for their turn to talk."

Good thoughts Arn, keep posting--I'll keep reading.
You should check out my blog, see what you think! www.jimmybuehler.wordpress.com

Arnie Buehler said...

That is a good quote and has inspired me to start a place for my favorite quote.

Mom said...

hi arnie
I am now officially a blogger.ha ha. Aunt Mary is here and she set this up. I hope all is well with you and Melody. Love ya both!!!!