
The Church: Christ's Body "Mission & Purpose"

What is the mission and purpose of the church?  To be brief let's just say it is to aid God in the restoration of humanity and creation.  Apart from creating a space for believers to fellowship, worship, and be ministered to individually or as a family. 

But as a church have we lost our focus to restore what has been lost or broken?  Or in other words do we emphasize "outreach"  in our decisions, vision, or programming within the church body? Has the church lost touch with culture so much that we have no idea how to "make disciples" anymore?  Or is it the fact that for too long we have been trying to reach others with only part of God's great story and plan.

Let me explain the philosophy of outreach or evangelism has solely revolved around the concepts of salvation and resurrection of Christ.  So we tell those who are "lost" that because everyone is a sinner we need to be saved, because sin separates us from God.  They only way that one can be saved is if they believe God sent his son as a sacrifice, taking our place of punishment and death.  So because Christ died for us and then rose from the dead he conquered death, thus giving us eternal life.

This is a very compelling argument and is great news even wonderful for humanity, but we are only sharing the pinnacle part of the story.  We tend leave out the beginning (creation) and the end (restoration) of God's narrative.  It is frustrating or confusing to say the least when you only know or hear part of a story.  Or  say the climax of any movie would not be that exciting if you did not watch it completely from beginning to end. 

Hearing or watching a completed story allows you to be more involved emotionally, gives you a better understanding of why, and therefore you gain a better sense of what that story could mean or how it applies to your life.  If the church changed its approach to making disciples of all nations by sharing the whole story of God, would we be more effective? Have more of an impact on culture? Would new and old Christians have a better sense of mission and purpose with a "whole/complete story" mind-set?


Anonymous said...

I agree with a lot of what you say, but I would also argue that the pinnacle of the story is the pinnacle for a reason. It is only by Grace through Faith in the Gospel that anyone can have eyes to see the need for restoration. Otherwise, most would see that the world itself is simply "not the best place, but manageable." In other words, the Good News of Jesus Christ is that He became sin who knew no sin that we might become His righteousness. Therefore, when the Christian believes that and is given eyes to see that by the Spirit they can begin to be mobilized to alleviate suffering in the world. However, as Christians we should care about all suffering...ESPECIALLY eternal suffering. I pray that the Church's mission does not simply become one of making people comfortable on their way to Hell.
(Not saying that you believe that...just my thoughts...)

Arnie Buehler said...

Yes I was not trying to take away from the climax of the gospel story. Instead explain how we can intensify that message to the world by sharing the complete narrative.

If people are aware that they have a role in restoring creation, it allows them more actively to live out their faith. Therefore, creating the opposite effect of comfortability.